City man dies following balcony fall View comments

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Star Staff Writer

City man dies following balcony fall
Star Staff Writer

A Corner Brook native fell to his death in a Toronto suburb late Friday night.

Roderick Brentnall said his cousin Scott Brown, an automobile factory worker, fell 17 storeys from his North York, Ont. balcony during a party at his apartment. He said neither foul play, nor suicide were suspected.

"It was an accident that shouldn't have happened," said Brentnall. "It was just a terrible accident. It's really weird. I can't fathom this at all. It's strange, you know someone for so many years of your life and all of a sudden they're gone."

Mr. Brown left behind two children: Jamie, 27, and Samantha, 18. He also leaves to mourn his partner Theresa Marcoccia and her children Philip and Anthony. Mr. Brown also left brothers Robert, Eric, Frederick and Terry and sisters Phyllis Freeman, Vera Dunphy, Florence Thornham and Elaine Bennett.

Brentnall described Mr. Brown as happy-go-lucky.

"He loved people and people loved him," said Brentnall. "He didn't say anything bad about anybody.

"He was a Scott. What can I say? I had a brother Scott and they were the same personality. They're down-to-earth people. He worked every day. He supported his family. He was a good all-around person. He was a good guy."

A funeral service is planned for Mr. Brown at Country Haven Funeral Home Friday at 2 p.m.

Phishing on the internet

News from Roderick March 2007
When most people think of fishing, they are reminded of the 30-
minute struggle for that big catch, or the time they spent out in a
boat with their friends.
For me going fishing takes me back to those summers I spent in my hometown of Gambo down by the brook fishing for sparney ticklers with an old tin can complete with hammered out holes my brother had made for me. Being down by that brook and relaxing in the morning dew is something that I'll never forget.
But, while I love fishing, I really hate Phishing...which is a totally different thing. But not that different. Allow me to explain...

What is Phishing?

Phishing, pronounced exactly like fishing, is where Phishers try to gather sensitive information by parading themselves as an honorable person or company in some sort of instant message, email, or even by phone.
Basically, the Phisher casts his line with a nice juicy worm in a form of a fake banking website so that you, the fish, bites and reveals your credit card information, password, or worse your social insurance number. This inevitably leaves you like a fish out of water. Yes, I know that was very cheesy, but it proves my point that everyone should be careful about information that they hold dear to them.
Misspelled Addresses
Let's look at some of the thing you can watch out for to avoid getting hooked. One of the more common ways that Phishers are able to get your data is by fooling you into thinking that the site you're visiting is the same site you normally visit.Let's say, for instance, you are an avid eBay user and you get an email from them saying that you need to update your account. Included in that email is a link that directs you to what looks exactly like the regular eBay page. If you look closer however, you will notice a slight difference. The URL is not, rather it is some site labelled as or even
Phone Attacks
Probably one of the simpler methods that Phishers use to get sensitive information is to call and ask for information over the phone. In this case, the Phisher would call posing as a representative of the institution that you may belong to and request that you give them your data so that they can update your account. Don't be fooled!
Advanced Phishing
One tactic that is used by Phishers which is more advanced and even harder to detect is when the Phisher uses an institution's web page against the user through a set of scripts or code. Not long ago, Paypal had this very

problem. In this case, users would be prompted to log in as themselves but, as soon as they are logged in, the account would be attacked.

What can I do?
Now that you know some of the more common attacks that Phishers use, you should also know some ways to protect yourself from getting caught. Here are some methods that you can use:
Update your browser - Newer browsers such as Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox 2.0 both have special tools embedded within them to catch the Phishing sites before they get to your screen.
Use your bookmarks - Let's say you do get an email indicating you have to update your information, instead of using the link provided in the email, log into the site that way you normally would and see if you have any prompts related to

your account. If there is nothing there, then the message you received is likely a fake. Some banks provide their own transaction protection.
Use Spam filtering - One way you protect yourself is to use Spam filtering or a Spam Guard on your email account. My fellow TechMate Neera has written a wonderful article that can guide you through this process.
For you advanced users, setting up specialized tools like OpenDNS and Norton Confidential or SiteAdvisor could help out newer users in your home.

Before you get yourself in to some serious trouble, know that there are

many people out there looking to steal your sensitive information on the Internet to use it for their personal gain. Remember that if you see something that looks fishy, then it probably is...phishy!

Black Duck Brook in Dark Cove Gambo was never as dangerous as the internet.See ya next month.

Personnes ne sont pas égaux, nous sont créés différents

"Personnes ne sont pas égaux, nous sont créés différents,
Nous devons re-learn Comment respecter ces différences."

Nouvelles de Roderick
Janvier 2007

Canada a une histoire de la haine. Quand les Canadiens pense de la haine ils pensent habituellement de la Nazis, un groupe politique qui a développé haineux à un moment tout haut. La haine à l'égard des Juifs, homosexuels, Tsiganes, les personnes atteintes différentes idées politiques, toute personne qui était différent de la moyen Christian blanc. Dans ma ville natale, Gambo Terre Neuve, ma première expérience avec la haine est entré en forme de religion... catholiques contre protestants.Not comme évident maintenant telle qu'elle était dans les années 1970.
Canada est la haine n'est pas très différent sauf c'est la haine qui s'est manifestée sur plus de quatre cents ans. Canada est la haine a commencé avant même que le pays a été nommé. Les premiers blancs de Europedétestais et se les Indiens natifs. Les Canadiens début détestais le Terre-Neuve pour sa façon de parler de ses gestes et son incroyable diversité la culture. La haine L'américain nord-américains indigènes a été légèrement plus profonde que les Canadiens. Histoire enregistrée Americaest outrage et la haine comme la seule bonne indienne était un Indien mort. En savoir plus ici lors de Afrique du Sud voulait une solution à l'apartheid, qu'ils tournés vers Canadaréponses et le système de réservation indienne que nous avons créé.
Bien que l'esclavage pas lui-même un acte de la haine c'est un acte de porter atteinte à un autre être humain. Upper Canadaest Assemblée législative a adopté une loi en 1773 a confirmé la propriété des esclaves, mais il autorisées enfants des esclaves nés après la loi pour être automatiquement libéré lorsque ils atteint l'âge de 25 ans. Cette loi demeurait en vigueur jusqu'à ce qu'il a été remplacé par la « Imperial loi émancipation sur le Parlement de 1834" qui aboli l'esclavage dans l'ensemble British Empire. Les ensuite, groupe qui Canadadétestais était la Chine. Canadaadoptée la loi qui interdit les Chinois de certaines activités, y compris la capacité de faire vivre aucune façon ils souhaiteraient. La Chine a dû payer une taxe de tête pour entrer Canada. Aucun autre groupe racial n'a eu cette forme de la haine infligée à eux. Le 1er juillet loi fédérale de 1923 a été adoptée suspendre l'immigration chinoise indéfiniment. En 1947, l'immigration chinoise a été accueillie à nouveau. Pour en savoir plus ici .
Le 23 mai 1914, la Maru Komagata arrive en Vancouveravec des personnes 376 D'indien est décent. Canadaest la haine est Indiens bouilli over et 352 des passagers ont été rejetées entrée.Canadalois adoptées visant directement à la discrimination contre l'immigration est indien.En savoir plus ici
Les Canadiens de japonais décent ont souffert de la haine. Jours après le bombardement de Pearl Harborle 7 décembre, 1941 sur 1000 japonais canadienne bateaux de pêche ont été saisis par le canadien le gouvernement. Le Parlement canadien en février 1942 avait adopté un projet de loi que tous les Japonais vivant dans les 100 milles de la côte Ouest être déplacée. Entre mars et octobre 22 000 Canadiens de japonais décent ont été mis dans des camps de concentration en vertu de la guerre mesures loi. Ces Canadiens ont été indemnisés jamais pour leurs navires de pêche ou leurs maisons et la propriété.
Canadaest la haine ne s'arrêtent aux groupes raciaux. Canadaa adopté des lois qui discrimination des personnes en raison de sexe.Bien que le droit de vote ne peut pas être défini comme la haine c'est similaire à l'esclavage, il embarrasse particuliers. Droit femmes de vote a été obtenue à la fois la provinciaux et fédéraux niveau sur un neuf année période 1916 1925, avec l'exception de la province de Québec où le droit de vote dans les provinces élections a été pas accordée jusqu'en 1940. Homosexuels ont été un odieux groupe par le biais des histoire du Canada et il continue aujourd'hui avec lois relatives à mariage et des avantages connexes. Klippert de George Everett passé dix ans en prison parce qu'il était homosexuel. Il a été paroled sur 20, 1971. Novembre 7, 1967, la Cour suprême du Canada a statué sur son cas et a confirmé de Klippert la peine. La loi modifiée sur 26 août 1969. Modifications du Code criminel a certains actes sexuels commis en privé entre les deux personnes consentantes 21 ou plus âgés--n'est plus illégale. En savoir plus ici
Tous les cas ci-dessus de la haine ont été approuvées par le canadien gouvernement et le système judiciaire. Aujourd'hui, il est politiquement incorrect de discrimination et la haine. Ou est-ce ? Il subsiste un groupe que vous, gouvernement, tribunaux et les politiciens, peuvent la haine. Le criminel. La personne ne doit être déclaré coupable. Le simple fait qu'une personne est accusée rend politiquement acceptable pour la haine de cette personne. Le gouvernement du Canada a adopté des lois qui interdisent les anciens prisonniers de certains emplois. Même après que la convicts a été son temps et payé sa dette à la société, société peut toujours exiger un autre livre de la chair. Prisonniers ont été privées le droit de vote jusqu'en octobre 2002. Ils sont refusé le droit de justes salaires, le droit à une éducation, même le droit de Self éduquer, droit à certains éléments (p. ex. un ordinateur), le droit de la même communiquer avec d'autres (internet) et le droit de faire appels téléphoniques. Certains politique campagne partis et hommes politiques sur les peines plus sévères pour crime.La haine vend sur le plan politique, simplement demander un nazie. Il est politiquement correct à la haine les familles de condamné ainsi. Un organisme gouvernemental, le service correctionnel du Canada, les familles des détenus à payer supplémentaires pour recevoir des appels téléphoniques de forces la prison. Le droit fondamental de l'association chaque canadien a est supprimé de la famille du prisonnier. Visite d'un détenu est considéré comme un privilège accordé ou supprimés par le gardien. Les tribunaux ont affiché aucun intérêt à corriger ces affiche de la haine. L'histoire montre rien de nouveau Il n'y.
Qui paie pour cette haine ? Certainement pas l'homme politique ou de la profession juridique et les tribunaux. Vous payez. Le prisonnier paie. Famille le prisonnier paie. Chaque fois un politicien réclame plus longues peines ou plus reconnu coupable le point de prison, vous payez. Une enquête sur l'internet a récemment demandé "ne vous prend en charge les juvéniles doing moins de temps en prison » ? Environ 90 % en désaccord. Cette affiche simplement que la haine lecteurs grand public, certainement pas commun sens. Prison augmente la chance qui renvoie en prison à nouveau un juvénile et encore une fois. Réhabilitation n'existe pas à l'intérieur des prisons. Le public n'est pas souhaite qu'il. Qui bénéficie de ce manque d'intérêt en transformant condamné en droit respect des citoyens productifs ? Les politiciens, agents de police avocats, Cour personnel, les juges, les gardiens de prison, prison fournisseurs, qui ’s qui. Criminalité et les emplois Il crée sont une industrie en plein essor dans Canada. Tout le monde perd.
Bush reconnaît la valeur de la haine. Il a passé la plupart des sa présidence lancement de la haine contre un groupe ou l'autre. Par la haine est une grande politique allié. Si l'homme politique vous con en détester une personne il prend votre esprit désactiver vos problèmes de propriété a la valeur Trues. Il prend votre focus loin de la résultat politician.The insidieuse par la haine est que vous pouvez être inclus dans le groupe prochain que quelqu'un décide de lancer la haine sur.
Il est temps pour arrêter la haine. Il est temps de permettre des prisonniers de prendre le contrôle de leur propre vit, le système actuel de maître-esclave (garde-détenu) est humiliant et dégradant pour les prisoners.To persuader un citoyen de devenir responsable, le système devrait être enseignement par exemple avec la démocratie pratiqué à l'intérieur de prison. Il est temps de demander des comptes du système arrêter le cycle de crime que certaines personnes sont pris en. Il est temps d'informer prisonniers. Il est temps pour aider les prisonniers descendre de la drogue. Il est temps de train prisonniers afin qu'ils peuvent obtenir des emplois productifs lors de la sortie de. Il est temps de réhabiliter les prisonniers. Il est temps de faire les milliards de dollars vous contribuer à maintenir ce monstre insidieuse, créé par notre gouvernement, le nombre. Il est temps de chercher pour le bon sens et nous des certaines réponses, ne pas les américains ou en effet la certains de nos propres canadiens. Nous ne peut pas nous permettre de L'américain modèle de verrouillage des criminels et de jeter à la clé. Nous pouvons nous permettre de ne pas le la haine.

People are not created equal, we are created different

People are not created equal, we are created different,
we must re-learn how to respect these differences.
News from Roderick  
January 2007

Canada has a history of hate. When Canadians think of hate they usually think of the Nazis, a political group who developed hate to an all time high. Hatred of Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, people with different political ideas, anyone who was different from the average white Christian. In my hometown,Gambo Newfoundland, my first experience with hate came in the form of religion....Catholics against protestants.Not quite as apparent now as it was in the 1970's.
Canada's hatred isn't much different except it is hatred that has manifested itself over more than four hundred years. Canada's hatred started even before the country was named. The first whites from Europe hated and distrusted the native Indians. The early Canadians hated the Newfoundlander for his way of speaking his gestures and his incredible diverse culture. The American's hatred of native North Americans was slightly deeper than Canadians. History recorded America's contempt and hatred as the only good Indian was a dead Indian. Learn more here When South Africa wanted a solution to apartheid they turned to Canada for answers and the Indian reservation system we created.
Although slavery is not itself an act of hatred it is an act of demeaning another human being. Upper Canada's Legislative Assembly passed a law in 1773 that confirmed the ownership of slaves, but it allowed children of slaves born after the Act to be automatically freed when they reached 25 years of age. This law remained in effect until it was replaced by the "Imperial Parliament Emancipation Act of 1834" which abolished slavery in the entire British Empire. The next group that Canada hated was the Chinese. Canada enacted law which prohibited Chinese from certain activities including the ability to make a living any way they wished. The Chinese had to pay a head tax to enter Canada. No other racial group has had this form of hatred inflicted on them. On July 1, 1923 federal legislation was passed suspending Chinese immigration indefinitely. In 1947 Chinese immigration was again allowed. Learn more Here .
On May 23, 1914 the Komagata Maru arrived in Vancouver with 376 people of East Indian decent. Canada's hatred of East Indians boiled over and 352 of the passengers were denied entry. Canada enacted laws aimed directly at discriminating against East Indian immigration. Learn more here
Canadians of Japanese decent have suffered from hatred. Days after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 over 1000 Japanese Canadian fishing boats were seized by the Canadian government. The Canadian Parliament by February 1942 had passed a bill that all Japanese living within 100 miles of the West Coast be relocated. Between March and October 22,000 Canadians of Japanese decent were put in concentration camps under the "War Measures Act". These Canadians were never compensated for their fishing vessels or their homes and property.
Canada's hatred didn't stop at racial groups. Canada has enacted laws that discriminated against individuals because of sex. Although the right to vote may not be defined as hatred it is similar to slavery, it demeans individuals. Women's right to vote was obtained at both the provincial and federal level over a nine year period from 1916 to 1925, with the exception of the Province of Quebec where the right to vote in provincial elections was not granted until 1940. Homosexuals have been a hated group through out Canadian history and it continues today with laws relating to marriage and related benefits. Everett George Klippert spent ten years in prison because he was homosexual. He was paroled on July 20, 1971. On November 7, 1967, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled on his case and confirmed Klippert's sentence. The law changed on August 26, 1969. Amendments to the Criminal Code made certain sex acts committed in private between any two consenting persons 21 or older -- no longer illegal. Learn more here
All the above cases of hatred were endorsed by the Canadian government and the court system. Today it is politically incorrect to discriminate and hate. Or is it? There is still one group that you, government, courts, and politicians, can hate. The criminal. The person doesn't have to be convicted. The mere fact that someone is charged makes it politically acceptable to hate that person. The Canadian government has enacted laws which prohibit former prisoners from certain jobs. Even after the convict has served his time and paid his debt to society, society can still demand another pound of flesh. Prisoners were denied the right to vote until October 2002. They are denied the right to fair wages, the right to an education, even the right to self educate, the right to own certain items (eg a computer), the right to even communicate with others (internet), and the right to make phone calls. Certain political parties and politicians campaign on tougher penalties for crime. Hatred sells politically, just ask a Nazi. It is politically correct to hate the families of convicts as well. A government agency, the Correctional Service of Canada, forces families of inmates to pay extra to receive phone calls from the prison. The fundamental right of association that every Canadian has is removed from the prisoner's family. Visiting an inmate is considered a privilege granted or removed by the warden. The courts have displayed no interest in correcting these displays of hatred. History shows nothing new there.
Who pays for this hatred? Certainly not the politician or the legal profession and courts. You pay. The prisoner pays. The prisoner's family pays. Every time a politician calls for longer sentences or more convicted going to jail, you pay. A survey on the internet recently asked "Do you support juveniles doing less time in prison"? About 90 % disagreed. This just displays that hatred drives the general public, certainly not common sense. Prison increases the chance that a juvenile will return to prison again and again. Rehabilitation does not exist inside prisons. The public doesn't want it. Who benefits from this lack of interest in turning convicts into law abiding productive citizens? The politicians, police officers, lawyers, court staff, judges, prison guards, prison suppliers, that’s who. Crime and the jobs it creates are a growth industry in Canada. Everyone else looses.
George W. Bush recognizes the value of hatred. He has spent most of his presidency initiating hatred against one group or another. Hate is a great political ally. If the politician can con you into hating someone it takes your mind off your true problems. It takes your focus away from the conniving politician.The insidious thing about hate is that you may be included in the next group that someone decides to initiate hate on.
It is time to stop the hatred. It is time to allow prisoners to take control of their own lives, the present system of master-slave (guard-inmate) is humiliating and degrading to prisoners.To persuade a citizen to become responsible the system should be teaching by example with democracy practiced inside prison. It is time to demand accountability of the system to stop the cycle of crime some individuals are caught in. It is time to educate prisoners. It is time to help prisoners get off drugs. It is time to train prisoners so they can get productive jobs when released. It is time to rehabilitate prisoners. It is time to make the billions of dollars you contribute to maintain this insidious monster, created by our government, count. It is time to look to common sense and ourselves for some answers, not the Americans or indeed some of our own Canadians. We can't afford the American model of locking up criminals and throwing away the key. We can not afford the hate.